I have alot to Update, but I have to do a quick entry since it is late here, and I am leaving for camping in the morning, early, really really ridiculously early... Today I went to the Citadel, if you remember I had tried to go there, but well we got sidetracked, well I finally made it, and it was AMAZING... there was alot to see, but the main part of the Citadel is the Muhammad Ali Mosque, which was absolutely beautiful on the inside. It was BIG and PRETTY... as you can see from the picture, but this picture does not do it justice, there was a calmness about this Mosque that was amazing, I could have just sat there and relaxed and been content, A funny thing happened while I was there, these three guys were at the mosque, and they asked me to take pictures of them, so I was nice and obliged, and then they wanted to take a picture of me, BAD MOVE, it went down hill from there, they then had only one guy with me, and he did this weird face each other and hold each others hands picture, unfortunately, the two guys that went with me were on the opposite side of the mosque and could not save me, it was embarrassing as well as scary, since well they would not listen to me when I said no... but the boys saved me after that, and I

did not seperate from them the rest of the trip... after relaxing in the Mosque we went outside for a great panoramic view of Cairo... and well you would not believe the view, and I was able to see the pyramids through the Haze... (you might be able to see them in this picture, but as you can tell the pollution in Cairo is awful, but there are almost in the center of this picture)... After that, we meet up with another girl from AUC who was at the Citadel, and we went to the Military Museum that was part of it, but it was so boring, that we faked sickness to try to get out of the museum, which totally worked... after that it was still early in the day, and the other three students had not see the two Mosques that are by the Citadel but I had, so we decided to take a Taxi to the Mosques, and I would just continue from there to Zamalek... this was the greatest Taxi ride I had been on since coming to Cairo... my Taxi driver talked to me in Arabic, and even helped me with my broken Amayia, which was great, I was talking about my dream job, and what my parents do, and what I am studying, I really worked on my Arabic... I was so happy after that car ride because I had held my own in the Taxi!!!

Well I am off to be so that way I am rested for tomorrow and the adventures in the Desert that I am about to go on... I will have alot to update then! But Sleep seems a little more important now!
The bottom pic is soooooooooo cute!
It sounds like you had a great day.
and the pictures are really amazing.
Great Picture of You and the Citidale is pretty cool looking also!!!!
Love Dad and Kim
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