Hello everyone who reads this... I am sorry to say that this might be the last time I enter anything on the blog... I leave Cairo this Thursday, so my adventures pretty much ended today, now I have to pack up and make sure that I have everything (Including the large number of presents for everyone I know!!!)
What have I done since I last updated this, I have gone and seen Coptic Cairo, for those of you who dont know, Coptic Cairo is the area of Cairo that is filled with the oldest Coptic Churches. Coptic Christianity is very similar to Greek Orthodox Christianity, but it is called Coptic because that is the word that they gave to it... I really dont know much about why it is called thus, but it just is, and so I went to see all the pretty churches that they have here in Cairo... The most famous church in Coptic Cairo is called the Hanging Church, because part of the church is built over the old Roman Fortress, and they actually show how part of the church is literally hanging over the Roman Fort, but it was so beautiful on the Inside, as well as outside of it... After the Hanging Church we adventured around to find the Church of Saint George, the Church of Saint Sergius, as well as the only old Synagogue in Cairo called Ben Ezra, all of these churches and Synagogue were beautiful on the inside, and all of them had beautiful inlaid wood work that was just amazing to look at, and admire...
After Coptic Cairo I taught my last class for the NGO that I was helping out while I was here... they were amazing, and I could not have asked for a better group of Students to teach... They wanted to know so much about me, as well as they wanted to know about where I live, and why I choose Egypt, they are a great bunch, and some of them told me they would miss me! It was enough to make me feel all warm inside!!! :-)

Today I made it, FINALLY, to the Pyramids!!! I told you I would make it, I just needed the end of my trip to happen to finally get me to go there... haha... but they were interesting, and worth seeing... But I hate to tell you guys this, but the Sphinx is soooo tiny, you always expect this HUGE thing, but it was soo small, and almost unimpressive... but I saw him, as well as the Three pyramids, the mini-pyramids of the Queens, AND I RODE A CAMEL... yeah that what I said, I rode a camel!!! :-) The Guy that was walking with us at one point gave me the reins of the camel, and I was leading him myself, and I even got to make him sit and let us off myself... it was pretty cool... My Camels name was Micheal Jackson, which I thought was pretty funny, the other Camels name was Mickey Mouse... they def are trying to do everything for us tourists... I think the funniest part of the Pyramids was that the Tourist police were on Camels as well... it was pretty funny... the rest of my day is going to be spent on cleaning clothes, packing up some things, deciding if I need to buy another bag to check luggage, and then meeting up with some of my Egyptian Friends for dinner... then tomorrow I am going to do my last minute shopping, and then I LEAVE!!! I cannot believe that this trip is coming to an end!
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